Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Slow services provided by local car company

Last week Friday i went to 1 of the 'P' workshop near my house to repair the malfunction petrol meter of my 3year old car.

StaffA: Hi, apa problem kereta?
WJ : Petrol meter rosak......................

Cut the crap,
He say now they got no stock, they need to order it. After knowing the price, i called my father to confirm its cheap before making order. My mom answered and say my father is talking on a phone, she said she will call me back 5min later.

StaffA: Macam mana? belum confirm lagi?
WJ : Tunggu call =) (Service quite FAST huh)

While waiting for the call, I've asked StaffA when can they change it for me, and they say next week Tuesday or Wednesday. I told them make sure it is fast as I'm not free on the following week. (college starting)
After receiving the call from my father, i confirm the day again and make the order.

WJ : OK la, saya order.
StaffA: *take the receipt book out and write the detail* Deposit bayar berapa?
WJ : Minimum mau bayar berapa?
StaffA: 50 pun boleh.
WJ : OK 50 la.
(Take the receipt and drive off, service so fast when making order nia)

I called them at 10am. Guess what? no people answer the call. 15min later i call again.

StaffB: Hello 'P workshop'.
WJ : Last week Friday saya datang untuk tukar itu petrol meter, kamu kata Selasa atau Rabu akan call saya?
StaffB: Boleh awak bagi nombor resit, saya check dulu.
WJ : 13****
StaffB: OK saya check dulu nanti saya call balik.

Waited for nearly half an hour,

StaffB: Hello Mr.Cheah, barang belum sampai lagi la.
WJ : Tapi last week staff awak kata boleh siap selasa atau rabu? saya sangat sibuk tau, bukan hari hari boleh tunggu awak call. So bila itu barang sampai?
StaffB: Mungkin petang nanti atau esok.
WJ : *tmr is thursday, friday u all sembahyang la tis la tat la, when can i change it then?* Dulu saya sudah bagi tau saya sibuk dan kamu kata boleh siap selasa atau rabu, sekarang macam mana? saya tak ada masa hari hari tunggu kamu call kat rumah tau?*Dulan*
StaffB: Saya faham, tapi barang belum sampai lagi la, saya panggil itu SA cepat sikit la.
WJ : Mesti siap dalam minggu ini, saya tak ada masa datang sini lepas tu. Dulu masa saya bayar saya tanya apa pun boleh. Sekarang macam mana? Kalau tak boleh siap minggu ini awak bagi balik deposit saya, saya pergi workshop lain.
StaffB: OK saya panggil mereka cepat sikit.

Still waiting now, duno still need to wait how long more.

"Rosak Cepat,
Service Lambat."

p.s: What is SA actually?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

KFC vouchers is back!

This time with FLAVA ROAST & KFC A.M.

up to 15% Discount!

Just print it out colored or black&white is accepted.
expired on 31st July '09.

Quick! download it now!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good News x Bad News

Both of them happened together yesterday.


a very happy birthday to my dad!!
I wish you got a healthy life, be happy always, and
a whole year of special joys!!


Good friend went to Australia to study ady. It will be a boring
life for me starting now for 2 years. =(
hereby I wish
Song Mun Choong and Ernest Koong
good luck in everything, do come back more often LOL.